It is within 6 to 24
first hours that we can "treat" a viral attack and avoid both the development and especially the spread of the virus. Point.
Once the principle is established, what do we use?
That's the question.
As one intervenes in majority of the cases when the serious symptoms are "visible" therefore too late, the recommended products are of type "ROUND-UP", they alter the natural defenses, weaken the organism and have side effects.
Let's go back to the starting postulate.
A small dose of the active molecule will break, weaken the virus.
A small fire pit, a small bucket of water. The flu is like fire in a pile of straw. By detecting it from the start we can contain it.
Once the fire is declared, tanks and water tanks are needed and again everything will be consumed before complete extinction.
Two possibilities:
This reasoning is rejected as a whole.
We have nothing more to say to each other.
You are attentive, perhaps skeptical or better curious.
Tell yourself that you only have the first stone laid there.
And for those who have not understood: you should not be the relay of viruses, not by transmitting them, but by not hosting them comfortably. It is at the level of each host that we must act and react. Strong natural defense is the best barrier. It is built over the years.
The immediate treatment that blocks the rebellious virus, which makes life difficult for it, is an active principle that goes against common sense since it does not act on the virus itself but on its supports and vectors.
To see the global progression of Coronavirus without treatment in place at the moment, without treatment in sight offering glaring prospects, we offer this solution without great risk and inexpensive.
She admits that in the first hours the virus will use bacteria to start its attack on the host organism, bacteria that are present on the surface of the nasal epithelium in particular. In the case of the flu this is where the infection begins. This step is fundamental in the development process of the virus. If it does not take place the virus is weakened in its colonization. The attack will be hidden.
It is therefore advisable to destroy the infested bacteria very early in this process, with a simple antibiotic "flash" treatment which has nothing to do with the kinetics recommended during a bacterial infection. The dose is also low. This treatment is like no other and is completely unexpected compared to this kind of viral infection. Even no prescriber would come to mind unless they had done this analysis.
In concrete terms, how is it going for the flu? You have just come across a flu patient and in the hours following the symptoms of the flu state begin: shivering, nasal tingling, sneezing, slight headache ... You have 24 hours to take the treatment, we will say for example, half a tablet of CLAMOXYL 500 from MYLAN, Amoxicillin 500 mg and Clavulanic Acid 62.5 mg. If the next day the symptoms have not disappeared, which is rare, repeat a dose no more. We never intervene too early, but failure is proof of intervention too late.
The individual will not develop the flu, at worst an attenuated flu if it is violent or if the patient is weak.
What happens if this fight is renewed every year, with each flu wave? The individual's natural defense is strengthened from year to year. The antibiotic if used came simply to support the natural defense and not to replace it.
Without saying that the Coronavirus is like a flu, the initial process of attack of the mucous membranes is the same. Relay bacteria will be the first to be affected by the antibiotic because they themselves are weakened by the virus. If the treatment occurs within the first hours it will be effective.
Some will say, but the symptoms of the first hours of the Coronavirus are not visible. Certainly. However many have described a headache, an abnormal state, different from the flu but just as destabilizing and anyone listening to his health will be able to detect it.
When in doubt and taking into account the safety of the treatment, it can be taken or administered as a prevention, maximum every 3 or 4 days, frequency to be defined.
We will not talk about resistance of bacteria to this treatment, resistance concerns long treatments 5-7 days, 2 to 3 times a day.
Sneezing and coughing are not something you can use to get rid of the virus. Each time the sneezing scrapes the protective mucus from the nasal mucosa and the cough irritates on its passage, providing an ideal breach for the entry of pathogens. Incidentally also note that pain is an indicator of illness and healing if it is no longer felt. If the patient takes responsibility and becomes the ENT pilot for his body, he will manage these first moments of the disease much better to his advantage by deflecting the sneeze by the mouth, avoiding engaging in a coughing fit, by not blowing his nose. not to the extreme. The purpose of this analysis is to prove that the patient must be involved in his health, not just take medication and that advice is part of the prescription and has as much value as the list of drugs that appears on the prescription.
This communication is not intended for self-medication, nor for public use, but it presents a study track for treatment solutions relayed by practitioners, prescribers and experts.
Preventive and early treatment of viral infections is a fundamental component in the fight against these scourges. This link is currently lacking in the programs put in place and could seriously improve prophylaxis if it was integrated.
Without criticizing Homeopathy the dosages that would be used are not comparable. We speak of "microdosing" compared to the conventional use of these substances.
Finally, to protect those on the front line, caregivers, preventive treatment would make it possible not to go to battle with the flower in the rifle without protection. This treatment, which ultimately confirms the natural defense or attenuated development of the disease almost like a vaccine, would seriously secure their intervention.
This "Coup de Pouce" treatment with natural defenses offers the best ease of implementation. PATRiCK GEFFRAULT
STUDIES for 10 years of Animal Biology, Plant Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Animal and Plant Genetics, Phytotechnics, Zootechnics, Agriculture and Agronomy.
To read: Activate DUCK DUCK AND GO first and GOOGLE, then launch the search "PROPHYLAXiE CORONAViRUS"
To read also: All the publications of Doctor Bernard JOUANJEAN on the Medicine of Prevention
And also on MEDiAPART, the analysis and recommendations of Doctor Pierre-Jacques REYBAUD